
The possibility for staff members to sign in as applicants gives you an option to keep staff member scheduling under better company control, while still not having to find, contact, and assign each individual staff member yourself.

Go to Work Attendance Job applicants to reveiw all pending application.

Applicants in OnSinch

Job applicants are staff members who select the job they want to attend in the staff member view and apply for it, then they are waiting if an admin approves or rejects their application. Only if approved, then the staff member can attend the shift.

The logic is simple: When the staff member signs in as an applicant, the administrator is informed about it and they have to make the decision whether they want to accept this specific staff member for this specific shift, based on any criteria.

Applicants feature can be used in two ways:

  1. Locked shifts

    • Shifts can be locked for standard self sign-in, with only applicants allowed. That way, a pool of candidates can apply for the job and you make the final decision on who will attend. 
    • You can set as default that every new shift will be automatically created as locked. Go to Settings Agency settingsJob creation default values section to change this. Here you can also set default applicant capacity per position.
  2. Applicants for full positions

    • Jobs can be opened for standard direct self sign-in with the possibility for applicant sign-in enabled as well. That way, once the positions are filled by regular staff members, applicants can still sign in, thus creating a pool of stand-by staff members who can be scheduled instead of last minute no-shows. 

  3. Applicants for open positions with requirements
    • You can set requirements for ensuring only the right staff signs up for position directly - only staff meeting the requirements will be able to put themselves on the position.
    • At the same time, you can set number of applicants (but do not lock the shift as in option 1) for the position, which does not need to meet any requirements and decide if you want to approve them for the shift.
    • Like this you can make sure that skilled staff are directly on the shift, unskilled staff can be applicants and admin will decide if let them work on the shift or not.

This can be set when creating the shift or anytime later in builder editor.

💡Tip: check in agency settings default settings related to applicants.

   4.   Applicant invitations

    • You can invite staff members to be applicants. invited staff members will decline or accept this invitation and after that, you can select the best staff members for the shift. 
    • This allows you to pre-select the preferred staff members and find out if they are interested while still having the power over the final decision.

Application requirements 

You can set the same requirements for standard staff members and for applicants to make sure that only applicants who meet certain criteria can apply by ticking the box Applicants must meet position requirements.

    Or alternatively, this can allow sign-in for applicants who do not meet the position criteria, while still allowing you to evaluate that specific applicant. You can then decide if you could give them an exception and sign them in so they can work alongside more skilled colleagues and get more experience.

    Applicants rejecting ❌ and approving ✔️ 

    Admin can reject and approve applicants on the shift page, in attendance builder or in menu work attendance job applicants.

    When declining the applicant you can add message explaining why the application was declined. 

    💡Tip: when positions are linked to groups you can approve or decline applicant for all positions within the group at once. This can be done on the shift page or in attendance builder.

    Applicants in worker portal

    Staff members see clearly in the list of available shifts and in shift detail if they can sign up regularly to the position or if as an applicant only (indicated by purple icon).

      🔔Applicant will be informed about admin's decision based on Notification settings.