Linking shifts into groups

Linking positions on the shifts into groups will help you to easily manage your team of staff members.

Sometimes you might want to have the same people working on more shifts within the job to ensure the smoothness and quality of the work. For instance, you want the same team to do the load-in of the stage as well as the load-out; or you have two weekend shifts out of town and you want the same team there for both dates.

This can be easily done with our feature of linking (grouping) positions on the shifts. If the positions are grouped together, staff members can sign up only for all the linked shifts or none. The same applies for signing out of the shifts.

Linked positions are represented by ⛓️chain symbol and group name (A, B,..)

Linking positions into groups ⛓️

You can link the positions when adding a new job to the system via new job form or when adding new or editing existing shift using builder editor.

1. In new job form 

Add or remove the position grouping in Positions part by clicking on the chain symbol in line of the position you want to link:

System will automatically offer you first letter A for the first group, B for the second etc.

💡Tip: Link the positions right when creating first shift. Newly added shifts in this           form will have positions copied along with the linked groups.

You can link or unlink the positions also in the overveiw part by selecting desired positions.

In an example below our lead workers (group A) and audio technicians (group B) are linked:

2. In builder editor

You can always link or unlink the positions in the builder.

  • In a bulk
    • select respective line positions you want to link together by holding CTRL tab and clicking on positions. Click on chain symbol to link/unlink positions or set/remove antigroup.

  • One by one or adding position to the existing group
    • In the builder tree click on line of respective positon → in first tab positon → scroll to the bottom to group selection dropdown. 

Coloured letter at each position lines indicates that the position is grouped.

💡Don't forget, you are linking the individual positions, no the shift as a whole.

Self-registration to linked positions

Grouped positions are marked with ⛓️chain symbol in staff member's account too. They can see it right away from the list of available shifts and in the shift detail.

They will see that the shifts are group along with information about the other shifts from the group. If they sign up for the shift, the system will automatically sign them up to all the other grouped shifts. This applies when signing up to an open shift as well as signing up to a locked shift as an applicant.

Shifts will appear in MyAgenda section and there is no other action needed from the staff member.

The same applies when they are signing out of the shift - signing out of one shift that is part of the group will automatically sign out staff member from all linked shifts.

Allocating staff to grouped shifts by admin

When admins manually add staff members to the shift groups can be reflected too - when adding a staff member to one position that is linked with other position(s) you can decide if allocate this person to all grouped positions or not:

💡Tip: when positions are linked to groups you can approve or decline applicant for all positions within the group at once. This can be done on the shift page or in attendance builder.


When two or more shifts shouldn't be attended by the same staff member, they can be marked as antigroup to make sure that the staff member is not able to sign up for grouped and antigrouped positions at the same time.

💡Example: We have linked two positions - load-in and load-out to one group (A) as we want the same people to attend both of the shifts. During the event there is one more shift for showcall but we don't want anyone who is signed up for load-in and load-out to also sign up for the showcall so they have proper rest for load-out. So we will mark showcall position as antigroup to group A. Antigroups are marked with greek alphabet.