Send documents to your clients directly from OnSinch. Communication with your customers has never been easier. Let's look at it together in this article.
You can send any document generated in OnSinch directly to your client either on Order or Job level. No more downloading, switching to email, and sending the document. Do it all in OnSinch and save your time.
Order Level
You can send generated documents from the Order level when you go to Generate document in the upper right corner.
- After selecting a document, just choose your preferred options and click Send.
- The recipient will be prefilled based on the set Invoice email in Company settings. You can always add or remove recipients/CC of the individual email.
💡For changing the client's recipient email address go to Company's profile > Edit > Invoice settings.
Job level
When the Order has more than one Job and you want to send your client a document regarding only a specific Job and not the whole Order go to Job detail and generate and send the document straight from here.
Communication overview
From the Order page, you can see all of the sent documents related to the order. There is a communication section with communication history.
For a more detailed overview you can always go to Communication > Emails > Order communication on the left side of the menu. Here you can see all documents ever sent to all your clients.
💡For customizing your document templates go to Settings > Documents settings
💡For customizing your notification email go to Settings > Notification Settings > Client tab
When closing the Order in Order to finish you can finish it in two ways - Finish the order without an invoice or Issue an invoice in the upper right corner of the Order page.
Invoices can be sent directly from the system too from the invoice page.
Sent invoices are shown in order communication overview too.