Transportation management

If your company arranges and reimburses transportation for staff members, OnSinch offers an optional extension module for handling travel times and costs.

Transport feature is available only when Transport module is present.

Using the transport module 🚗

Setting up transport for a shift 

Before you start using the transport module, setup prices and wages for transport. Once you have this done, you are ready to start using it. You can of course have rates set to zero if you do not charge or pay for transport and use this module only for transport planning.

You can set transport for each shift and the transport can be:

  • there only
  • back only
  • there & back

Transport can be added when creating new job:


You can add, edit or remove transport anytime in builder in shift line in the Transport tab:

There are option to set details about the transport provided:

  • Departure times and meeting times before the transport
  • Departure and arrival locations - the app automatically filles the same arrival location as departure as it is the most common case, but you can always change it and locations can be different.
  • Travel duration, distance and expected number of drivers - these are expected numbers for calculations, the reality is always confirmed during the shift closing.
  • Anything you need to share with the staff about transport (e.g. meeting point or who is driving) can be included in the description box.

Transport from staff member point of view 

Staff members see if transport is provided directly in list of available shifts with 🚗 icon and details are available in the shift detail:

Transport in job detail page 

Admins can see the same informaton in job detail page in the Transport section. If the shift was already closed wheel and suitcase icons identifies whether the certain staff member was driver or passengers. Hover over the icon to see travel time and move onto the wage to see split of wage for work and for transport.

Confirming travel times during closing the shift 🕓

After the work is done and shift is about to be closed, it is time to confirm travel time or duration and edit who was the driver, the passenger or who was not provided with the transport.

Transport is part of the shift closing process. As with closing the shifts, there is closing part for lead worker and for admin.

  • Closing transport by lead worker 

When lead worker is closing the shift and the transport was provided, there is apart from confirming attendance option to insert real travel times and transport role of each staff member in separate transport tabs.

💡Tip: Lead worker can also close travel distance, but this needs to be allowed first        in Settings Agency settingsUser accounts.

  • Closing transport by admin

After the shift is closed by lead worker (or after the shift is finished if you do not let your lead workers close the shifts), it is waiting to be closed by admin. If transport is provided, you would see separate tab for transport. Same as with work attendance, here you have information which lead worker filled in and you have an option to change everything - travel times, distance, transport roles and also prices and wages for both transport time and/or mileage.

Transport wages in staff wallets 💲

Wages for transport have separate records in staff member wallets, therefore it is always clear to both admins and staff members what is wage for work and what is transport allowance. Staff can see it in their wallets and admins in Wallet transactions section.

💡Tip: Transport wage is paidout along with the standard work wages during                 payout procedure.

Transport prices in invoices and billing documents 📋

Transport prices have their own section of calculation and billing documents so they are separated from prices for work and other items.

You can choose from several types of calculation template depending how detailed you want the calculation to be.

In the final invoice the price for staff transport is included in price for work line.