Adding new staff by admin

Admins can effortlessly generate profiles for new staff members using the new staff member form and extend invitations to these users to join the system.

Go to Staff +Add staff to create new staff member profile in your database.

Staff members can register by themselves to your OnSinch if you allow it.

But admins can always add manually new staff member to the system using simple form.

This new staff member form includes system and personal attributes. Mandatory fields are marked with red star. Profile attributes, badges or contracts can be added and editied later once the profile is created.

When adding new staff member to your database you can fill in the basic data you know about the person, assign them profession and invite them to the system and let them fill in the rest of the information for you.

If you don't want a person to have access to OnSinch but still want to include them in the database, you can skip the invitation, and they won't have access. Ensure you turn off any unwanted notifications in the profile of this staff member if needed.

Inviting staff to OnSinch

When admin creates new staff member profile in the system, it is necessary to invite the person to the system to activate their account. This can be done at two places:

  1. When creating new staff member by ticking the toggle button in the bottom of the page (see picture above).
  2. Anytime in already created staff member profile under ''Actions'' button:

Invited staff member will receive invitation email with activation link. The content of the email can be edited in Settings Notification settings General tab. 

Note that this email will be sent also when you invite new admin to the system.

💡Tip: Use checkbox ''never logged in'' in staff list filter to see who did not activate their account yet and invite them again.