Companies & Clients

OnSinch allows you to have a clear overview of all of the companies you work with. You can keep track of all contacts, orders, transactions, generate invoices, send emails, reminders at any time, easily.

Visit Companies tab on a menu to see, add, export and edit profiles of all your customers.

  • 🏠Company  business entity you provide service for. All orders must be linked to a company, and invoices are generated for that particular company.
  • 👔Client person, company member - contact person for the order. Companies can have more clients associated, but there has to be at least one client for each company. One client can be associated to more than one company. 
  • 👤Contact ⇒ person, contact working for the company - all clients are contacts but not all contacts are necesseraly clients. Contact is a person for certain shift(s), usually somebody onsite - contact person's name and phone number are visible to lead worker of the shift.

Company profile 

Each company has its own profile page where you can keep track of all history, information and also do edits. OnSinch allows you to manage companies completely, the key fields are:

  1. Basic company info - billing details or responsible account manager from your agency
  2. Personnel - clients and contacts associated with the company
  3. Pricelists - one default pricelist and other ones available for the company
  4. List of orders in all states, invoices and payments including both invoice payments and unallocated payments.
  5. Banned staff - list of staff members who are banned - such staff will not see shifts for this company so they cannot sign up for them. Bans can be removed by admins.
  6. Move jobs - this feature allows you to move jobs from one order to another by drag&drop. You can also delete multiple orders at once, if they are not invoiced and are without closed shifts.
  7. Default job options - you can set default job options so when creating a shift for this company certain fields can be pre-filled with defaults and save you time. This is helpful when e.g. for certain company the venue is always the same or if the company has general requirements such as certain level of language for all staff members/lead workers.
  8. Companies can have attributes associated similarly like attributes you set for your staff. Go to Settings Companies Company attributes to add and edit these. Go back to editing chosen company to add the attribute.

Client profile 

Every client has their own profile. You can see here companies and list of orders which this client is associated with as a responsible person.

Similarly as with staff members, you can sign-in as a client to their OnSinch account if you are using Client portal feature.

Clients can have various roles in the company. This helps you to structure company contracts and if company portal is being used, these roles can have restricted access to certain parts (such restrictions are always done by OnSinch support team).

💡Tip: If you don't want staff members to see the company which the shift is provided for, you can set it by default as hidden in Settings Agency settingsUser accounts section.

Removing companies and clients

  • ✅You can completely delete a company if there is no order issued for this company.
  • ❌If there is at least one order you can set the company as nonactive as it needs to stay in the system for history reasons.
  • The same applies for clients - if they are associated with any order, they cannot be removed completely and only deactivated.