Personal & Profile Attributes

In this article you will find everything related to personal information you collect about your staff in OnSinch.


Visit Setting Staff →  to add, edit end remove personal and profile attributes.

Attributes in OnSinch

Attributes are fields that help you to collect and manage all information you need to know about your staff members. Attributes are essential features of staff member profile and help you to:

  • Collect information about staff - have all the information about staff in one place
  • Finding suitable staff - use attributes for easy filtering in your staff list
  • Manage shift - set attribute as mandatory requirement for attending the shift - this is useful when you for instance need all staff on the shift to speak English at least on level B2.

We distinguish between two basic groups of attributes:

  • Personal attributes - basic information about the person like ID or security number. Personal attributes are used for contract generation and can stay in the app after the staff member profile is deleted depending on the GDPR setting
  • Profile attributes - work-related information about your staff such as language skills, certificates obtained, driver's license, clothing size, or anything else you need to know

Note: If you have OnSinch in more languages, make sure you add attribute title in all languages when creating it.

Attributes settings

There are multiple options how to manage the attributes: 

  1. Types of attributes - When creating the attribute you get to decide what type the attribute should be depending on in which format you need the information to have.
    OnSinch give you the option to choose from variety of types - number, text, long text, file upload, selection, hierarchical selection, multiple selection, yes/no answer, date, single image or gallery of images.
  2. Verification required - if you decide to require verification for the attribute, it will be automatically  shown in the Attributes to approve section after the staff member fills in the field. This is convenient e.g. for verifying certificates.
  3. Private - attribute will be visible only for admins - useful for information you don't want your staff to see in their profile such as internal assesment.
  4. Expirable - staff member will have to input expiration date when filling the information. This is good for keeping track of licences or certificates. When attribute is about to expire staff member will be reminded in their profile as well as admins will see it in Expiring attributes section
    The number of days before the attributes will be shown as expiring can be changed in Agency settings Time limits.
    You have an option to send an email from the Expiring attributes section to one or multiple staff members to let them know.
  5. Mandatory - user will be forced to fill the field otherwise their profile will not be saved.
  6. Attribute blocks and ordering
    Organize your fields by assigning them to blocks in Blocks attribute management.
    Insert a number from 0-100 in the Order field when creating the attribute to define order position of the attribute in the list of all attributes.
  7. You can divide the attributes based on citizenship. This is useful when you need different information from foreign citizens than from your country citizens such as VISA's or work permit. Leave this field as All if you want everyone to fill the attribute.

💡Tip: Check how the attributes look from the staff member's point of view by signing into their profile. Visit the staff member profile and click on Actions sign in as