Electronic signatures

OnSinch streamlines your administrative tasks and enables quick, easy digital document signing.

👋Electonic signatures is a feature requiring a special setup. Contact our team for details.

With Onsinch electronic signature features, you can send employment contracts or any other document to your staff members directly from the system to be digitally signed, sealed and stored.

How does it work ? ✍️

  1. Prepare the document - upload the document to the system and prepare it.
  2. Check notifications - make sure you turned ON emails related to contracts.
  3. Select staff member - find the person you want to send the contract to.
  4. Select document - select the contract that should be sent for e-signature and send.
  5. Staff signs - staff is notified and can review, sign the document digitally.
  6. Document is saved and stored - both in the admin part and staff member account. 

How to setup this feature ? 

Let's take a look at the details for setup step by step.

Preparing the document  📃

  1. Go to Setting → Staff →  Contract types to add new contract or document type.

2.    Name the document and add description or time validity if needed. 

3.    In contract template select type ''document'' and upload PDF file. 

4.    Document will be uploaded and content selection will appear.

Drag & drop content particles to the document page and position it where you need it.

  • Placeholders - fields that will be replaced by real data from staff profile when generating contract for specific person. 
  • Signature date -  will be replaced by real signature date when staff member signs the document.
  • Image - use image to upload your company stamp and signature to appear in the signing part. Simple scan on white paper is sufficient.
  • Signature - add this particle to the space where you want the staff signature to appear.

💡Tip: use tab preview to see sample data of placeholders.

  5.   Select GDPR fields that should stay in the system archived in case staff member profile is deleted and save the contract.

Check notifications related to e-signatures 🔔

Go to Settings Notification settings Staff member tab → Document signature part to doublecheck you have these emails turned ON and change the text of the emails if needed.

Admins can be also notified when document is signed - check Admin tab for this here too.

Sending contract to staff member 📨

Once your contract is ready you can send it to staff member. Go to profile of chosen staff member and click on +add contract in basic tab. 

Select the contrac template, verify the placeholders and click on preview. Here you can check fot the last time if the contract you are about to send is fine and hit the button save and send for e-signature.

Contract is now saved and pending for staff signature and its status is inactive. Staff member receives email with request to sign the document. 

💡Tip: Check all contracts and signature status in menu Staff > Contracts.

How staff members sign the document ? ✒️

  • Staff member clicks on link in email and is required to enter OnSinch credintials to secure the correct person is trying to access the document. The link for signature does not have expiry date - it is available unless admin removes the sent contract.
  • Staff review the document and click ''sign'' at the very end of the document. Window for signature will appear.

📱Signature can be done on laptops but also smartphones or tablets.

❕If something is not correct in the contract, staff should let admins know. Admin then removes the pending contract from their profile and send the corrected one again.

Signed documents archive & access🗃️

Signed document is saved in the system and is available for both sides and accessible all the time.

  • Staff - see all documents regarding them in their profile in OnSinch > Contracts tab and can download the PDF from here. If set, staff can also receive email with signed document as attachment.
  • Admin - all documents are stored in Staff > Contracts and in the profile of individual staff member.

Document certificate ✅

The signed document is also authorized with an OnSinch qualified digital signature, which guarantees the authenticity of the document generated and processed by the OnSinch application.
This means we ensure the document is sent from the system to the selected user, who logged in with valid credentials (email and password), and that the user confirmed the document exactly as it was presented. The final version of the document is saved in the system for both parties involved in the contract.
The information is shown in contract detail page:

Making changes to contracts 

  • Changes to signed contracts

Staff agreed to the document in the version that was presented to him by the app when signing it. Making any changes later to such contract in staff profile (e.g. amending start and end date) will cause that the digital signature will be removed from the system. The PDF document will remain unchanged, but the digital stamp in the system will not. This is because you are making changes to something that was confirmed by the other party in a different version.

  • Changes to contracts pending signature

If you amend a contract that is pending signature in the staff profile, it will not be possible to sign. To correct the contract, first remove it from the staff profile and then send it again with the correct setup.

❕E-signature regulations differ across countries. We recommend verifying the legal requirements in your region before utilizing this feature.

💡Note: as with all contracts, do not forget to set payout method if the document is related to wage and payouts.