
A work break is important for your employees to perform at their best. Let's take a look at how breaks can be incorporated into shift planning.

Planning breaks

You can schedule a break in three ways, at the beginning of the shift planning in the New job form, at any time in the builder, or at the end of the shift in a closing form

1. New job form

When creating a new order you can add a planned break from here. Right after you move to planning shifts, add a break by ticking the toggle box and select a time frame.

2. Builder

After your shift is created, you can add a break via the Edit button on top of the shift detail.

Once the tree editor is open, switch to the POSITION tab and click on the Add break button. Then you fill in the time frame and it is done.

3. Closing the shift

If you don't plan breaks but still want to keep a record of them you have two options.

The first one is that a lead worker records them on-site when closing the shift. To enable this option you have to set it up in Agency settings.

With this setup, the lead worker can record breaks as it happened or when they are closing the shift.


The other option is to add them by an administrator when closing the shift. Once the closing form opens, you can add breaks individually for each worker,

or in a bulk edit from the actions when everybody is selected.

❕Depending on your licence type you can schedule paid breaks. If you are interested in this feature, contact our support team.

Once the break is created before the shift happens, it is visible to admins on the shift detail page.


Workers can see the scheduled break in the job detail.