
A calendar-like feature of staff members and jobs that helps you to organize the whole team. Let's explore its possibilities together.

Scheduler helps you allocate employees to shifts for clear and fast work management. You can find it under the WORK tab.
Its clear view divided into Shifts and Staff section will help you navigate the page.

Shifts section

Here you can find planned shifts within a certain period of time. On the left part, you can also filter more specific views so that they suit your needs such as shifts with empty spots or by order.

You can select a shift and by clicking on it open its detail. In the shift detail, you have information about where, for who, and when is the shift happening and also the capacity. 

On top of this window are the View button which takes you to a Job Detail page and the Edit button which leads you to the builder for more complex adjustments.

The shifts are marked by a state of status to indicate you the progress.


Staff section

Below are listed staff members with their schedules. Here you are also able to filter them by attributes, availability, or requirements.

After searching and selecting the worker you can access the staff member's details. The detail provides you with their basic information, history of attendance, the total of shifts, and other profile sections. These insights will make you choose the right person for the appropriate work.
You can edit or view the staff member's profile through the action buttons on top of the window.


In the staff's calendar are also displayed appointments they are attending so you can more precisely allocate people to shifts. 


The scheduler will also show you if your staff members are available or not, once they put it into their calendars.

Adding staff to the shift

Firstly make sure your scheduler is in Edit mode which you can turn on in the upper left corner.

Then select the shift you want to fill up by clicking on it. With the capacity overview, it shows you how many positions are empty.

You can simply add staff members by drag & dropping them from the left side of the page to the position.  After assigning them the record of wage is listed so you have the financial overview as well.


Adding staff to a grouped shift

Once you have created a grouped shift and want to allocate the same staff members to it, you can simply open the first shift, drag & drop the worker to the shift and decide if you want them on the other shifts as well.



Assing the positions by approving or declining the applicants.


Signing a staff member off

In case you have to sign off the staff member just click on the three vertical dots and choose this option.


Require confirmation

You have an option while allocating the staff to require their attendance confirmation. Before moving the worker to the shift just tick the box on the staff line.

Setting a view

For example, when you need to keep an eye on some order or have the shifts organized you can set the preselected view and have it always ready. All you need to do is filter the shifts by your requirements > Save view > save as a new view and name it.

You can make this view public for your colleagues or save the view with a preselected date range.

Edit or manage your views by action items on top of the page. Any changes to the view will be indicated by * symbol.