
Builder offers you a wide range of advanced functions and actions, such as adding, editing, copying and removing jobs, shifts or positions. All of this can also be done in bulk to save you more time.

⚙️ button will take you to advanced editor called builder.

You can manage everything on level of order (1) - jobs (2) - shifts (3) - positions (4) from here by clicking on respective line in the builder tree:

Adding ➕

  • add completely new line either via + button or right click on superordinate node.

Editing ⚙️

  • you can change everything from here - professions, slot capacity, shift description, tags and requirement, adjust prices and wages, set positions as hidden or locked and manage transport.
  • in each line you can change different things - given what particle (job-shift-position) are you editing. Save your changes as you go along.
💡 Note: If the shift you are editing have already added staff, they will receive notification email about important changes in the shift.

 Moving ➡️ & removing ❌

  • you can move one shift from one job to another by drag&drop.

  • remove respective node via right click or red bin button. The action is irreversible.

Copying 🔄

  • you can copy position, shift or job via copy icon or by right click on the line you want to copy.
  • all setup will be copied along with subordinates nodes - professions, position capacity, location, public notes, tags, effects or requirements. E.g. if you copy job, it will be copied with all shifts and positions. If you copy shift, first you have to pick the date(s) of new shift and all position will be then copied.
  • new nodes created by copying will be shown in orange, indicating that they are drafts - unpublished (concept) positions. Such positions are not visible to staff members.
  • builder copies only shift/job/position information - signed up staff or applicants are not copied, the newly created slots are empty.

  • copying is a great tool when it comes to recurring shifts - right click on the shift you want to copy and select needed dates and shifts wil be created all at once. 

  • when shift is more structured and includes multiple professions (e.g. stagehands, but also specialized separate positions for technicians or driver), you can copy position from the shift and just change profession, amount of staff members and other necessary fields just for this line while having the option to keep shift date, tags or transport the same as other positions from the shift.


Bulk actions and edits 📚

With builder you can do edits in bulk. There are three options how to do bulk edits:

1. Hold ctrl key and select chosen lines. 

2. Right click
on certain line and choose select to group nodes by desired logic - all positions in the shift, all positions with the same role, all open shifts etc.

Search by keyword (e.g. audio) in the searchbox, doublecheck the results and connect them.

💡Note: bulk edits can be done only with the same components - e.g. positions or shifts; you cannot edit position and job at the same time.

Move jobs 🚛

You can move shifts and whole jobs from one Order to another one if needed by drag&drop. Move jobs builder is available in respective company detail page.

💡Note: Closed shifts cannnot be edited, they needs to be reopen first.

Attendance builder 👤

Edit attendance button will switch the builder from shift editor mode to attendance editor. This feature allows you to add or remove staff member to and/or from more shifts at once, move staff member from one shift to another or sign them off. Again, it offers you to do this actions in bulk by holding ctrl key + clicking on position lines of staff member names.